For almost ninety years, Canali has been living the present with gentle determination. It evolves while remaining true to itself and its values, which it genuinely passes on without self-celebration through the care it puts into each of its products. Products on which, today, it can proudly say to know everything. For each garment, in fact, Canali knows where the raw materials come from, how it was made and by whom.

Being able to count on a short, verticalized and integrated supply chain helps to have the pulse of the situation and makes it possible to embrace a business idea that by its very nature is virtuous because, in addition to being leaner and more efficient from a logistical point of view, it is connected to the destiny of the people and the territory in which it operates. Keeping production entirely in Italy is not always easy, but it is worth it. Italian know-how is a great wealth and a very important asset because it guarantees direct control over quality but also the possibility of access to very special and sophisticated craftsmanship techniques.


The quality of Canali garments stems from the most authentic craftsmanship, which is generated from a continuous overlapping of processes, sometimes slow, sometimes complex, requiring rare skills. For Canali, Italianness is the founding element of the Made in Italy concept: three words that summarize a long journey in which culture and history, style and taste, the search for excellence and respect for professionalism, quality and reliability are interwoven. Canali has always put this concept first: the undeniable care with which garments are made, which require time and expert hands. The care in the choice of materials, always focusing on quality and excellence.​




Every Canali product is the result of perfectly orchestrated teamwork. The success of the brand goes beyond the individual product and has been consolidated over the years thanks to the commitment of all the people who are part of this large family. Canali has always had respect for the environment and respect for people at heart and intends to continue dedicating resources to them in a manner consistent with its way of doing business. This is why the company has always been committed to investing in research, development and training, an act of responsibility towards those who constitute the beating heart of the brand.​

Know-how and innovation​

In Canali's garments there are almost 90 years of Made in Italy tailoring. The success of Made in Italy products is enshrined in the high tradition of craftsmanship, declined in every smallest expression. For Canali, the values and experience built up over the years go hand in hand with the study of new production processes and research into materials: the most exciting challenge is not to reinvent from scratch, but to evolve our traditions over time.​



From the Brianza countryside to the futuristic skyscrapers of New York. A DNA, that of the people of Brianza, which over time has encompassed not only the pivotal element of 'knowing how to do', but also the tenacity of 'wanting to do'. A great rigour and strong dedication to work, but also an innate sense for new challenges and the desire to evolve and innovate. It is precisely this desire to look ahead and reinvent oneself with new production solutions that also characterizes the history of Canali and its family.​

Canali in Italy​

Production takes place in Italy and 70% is made in Canali, in the workshops in Sovico (MB), Marche and Abruzzo. The remaining 30% always takes place on Italian territory and is entrusted to external suppliers who are constantly monitored and involved. For that part of the collection that is produced externally, suppliers have been chosen who operate in the industrial districts they belong to, which have acquired a unique know-how derived from their craft tradition. They are often small towns, and keeping their craftsmen and workshops operational helps them to survive. Very close ties have been developed with suppliers and collaborations initiated for exclusive projects both in terms of design and material research.​

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