The Customer is entitled to a statutory warranty in the event of Product non-conformity that becomes apparent within 2 (two) years of delivery of the goods.

Any faults or defects must be reported to CANALI within 2 (two) months of the date they are
discovered by the Customer.

To enforce the Statutory Warranty the Customer must provide proof of purchase and the Product must not have been repaired/altered unless CANALI has been informed and its authorisation obtained.

Any Customer who, within the above-mentioned time limits, believes that the Product received is non-conforming and is not suitable for the purposes for which it was produced can contact CANALI’s Customer Service and shall be assisted in the rest of the procedure, or can send a registered letter with return receipt directly to the address CANALI S.P.A. / Sales Department / Customer Assistance - Via Lombardia 17/19 20845 Sovico (MB).

If CANALI establishes that the Product is defective or non-conforming, the Customer shall be entitled to have the Product restored to conformity at no cost, by repair or replacement of the Product, unless the remedy required is objectively impossible or unreasonably costly.

If it proves impossible to repair or replace the purchased Product or if the repair or replacement is not made within a reasonable time, the Customer may request an appropriate reduction of the price or termination of the agreement, without prejudice to the right to compensation of greater damage, if proof is provided of the causal link and of its amount.

This information does not constitute a comprehensive overview of the rights provided for by legislation on consumer protection and distance selling applicable in the customer’s country of residence. Further details may be found in our General Conditions of Sale and specifically in Article 14 Repair or Replacement of Products under Warranty.